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Treatment for BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)


We all need guidance sometimes to focus on self-care and others. Karner Psychological Associates is here for you, with our team of doctoral-level psychologists, clinical social workers, therapists, licensed mental health counselors, and other professional clinicians. We see people of all ages, including children, teens, and families. Karner Psychological Associates is a long-established outpatient mental health practice, serving the Capital District New York and larger tri-state area, that aims to provide patients with the highest quality therapeutic experience across a broad range of specialties. We are better together.

Treatment for BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)

What Is BPD? Learn More About the Signs & Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder, commonly referred to as BPD, is a mental health disorder that affects how a person thinks and feels about themselves and others. It is characterized by intense emotional experiences, difficulty managing emotions, and unstable relationships with others.

The signs and symptoms of BPD can vary from person to person, but some of the most common characteristics include:

Intense Fear of Abandonment:
- People with BPD often have a deep-seated fear of being abandoned or rejected by those they care about. This can lead to clingy and needy behavior in relationships.

Unstable Self-Image:
- Individuals with BPD may struggle with a sense of self-identity, often feeling unsure of who they are or what they want in life.

Impulsive and Risky Behaviors:
- BPD can also be associated with impulsive behaviors such as gambling, reckless driving, substance abuse, and unsafe sexual practices.

Intense Emotions:
- Those with BPD may experience intense emotional highs and lows that can shift quickly. This can make it difficult for them to regulate their emotions and may lead to outbursts of anger, anxiety, or depression.

Unstable Relationships:
- Due to difficulties with emotional regulation and self-image, people with BPD may struggle to maintain stable relationships. They may have intense and tumultuous friendships or romantic partnerships that are characterized by frequent breakups and makeups.

The exact cause of BPD is not fully understood, but research suggests that it may be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some risk factors for developing BPD include:

- Childhood trauma or neglect
- Family history of mental illness, particularly borderline personality disorder
- Neurobiological factors such as brain structure and function

Fortunately, there are effective treatments available for BPD. It is important to note that treatment may vary from person to person and may require a combination of therapies. Some common treatment options include:

- This type of therapy involves talking with a mental health professional to identify and address unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and patterns.

- In some cases, medication may be prescribed to manage symptoms of BPD such as impulsivity, anxiety, and depression.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT):
- DBT is a type of therapy specifically designed for BPD. It focuses on teaching skills for emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness.

If you or someone you know is struggling with borderline personality disorder, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. BPD can be a challenging and complex disorder, but with the right treatment, recovery is possible. Remember that seeking help is a sign of strength and there is no shame in asking for support. Karner Psychological Associates is an organization dedicated to providing quality mental health services, including therapy for BPD. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you or your loved one on the journey towards healing and wellness. Remember, you are not alone in this struggle and there is hope for a brighter future. Let's work together towards finding peace and stability in your life.

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